The Kingdom where You belong!
От древни времена минералната вода в района на Казанлъшките минерални бани е била източник на сила и успокоение, запазена само за тракийските царе. Сега можете да се потопите в лековитата прегръдка на лечебната минерална вода в региона, благодарение на 4000 кв.м. Kings’ Valley Medical & Spa Center.
Thanks to the various techniques, it accelerates the recovery of the body's defenses, relieves tension, reduces chronic pain and improves the elasticity of the skin.
A slower but stronger massage targeting the deep tissues, including tendons, muscles and joints. Improves joint mobilization and relieves muscle tension.
The heat and volcanic energy reduce stress in the body. The massage can have a calming or energizing effect depending on the stone temperature.
This foot and shin massage uses manual techniques to reduce strain.
This massage includes all areas of the body. It heals the whole body and helps to expel the toxins after past illnesses. Speeds up metabolism.
Improves cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It promotes the general development of the musculoskeletal system.
This massage uses classic techniques to treat a specific area of the body chosen by the guest
It combines different techniques - functional massage, trigger points, passive movement in the joints, muscle stretching. The massage therapist determines the course of the massage after tests, palpation and a preliminary conversation, and chooses techniques that eliminate the causes of the problem, taking into account the state of health of the guest.
Basic cleaning of the body by exfoliation with a silk glove in combination with a pleasant and relaxing massage with soapy foam.
The massage involves gentle and smooth movements in a suitable starting position. It relieves the heaviness in the back and legs. It can be performed between the 4th and 8th month, depending on the woman's condition.
Salt therapy improves the immunity and increases the body tone. It has a positive effect on the whole respiratory system as well as the skin. Our modern halo generator creates a therapeutic microclimate and enriches the air in microelements. Total relaxation combined with the health benefits of salt, perfect for the whole family.